Mach 4 Acceleration/ Deceleration

Ya, I got more out of CNCnutz’s video than any Artsoft documentation. Another problem is there are 3 CV wizzards in Mach4, two of them look the same but have different names. The documentation on all of them is pretty bad (and I’m being generous there).

I presume that CV is only used for feed moves, not rapids (but again, no documentationi). It does say that the wizards use the motor acceleration settings that you have to calculate the CV parameter table, but it doesn’t say anything about how changing acceleration or feed rate affects the CV at runtime.

I’m hoping to have time to basically repeat and expand what CNCnutz did on Mach 3 with my AVID and the laser since that will show the shortcuts CV takes on corners and it will show any oscillations and on which axis very clearly as well. Just doesn’t seem to be any spare time for fun this time of year though (why does everyone ask you to help them make Christmas presents at the last second? :-)).