Changing Smoothing in Centroid with Fusion

Hi all!

I wanted to run different parts of my same program with different smoothing settings. Faster for roughing, slower for finishing. Here’s an easy way to do it in Fusion:

  1. In front of the operations you want to be changed add a “Manual NC”
  2. Set it to “Pass through” and set the Message to the Gcode:
    G64 ON “Smoothing name”
    G64 ON Pxxx
    where xxx is the offset for the group of smoothing settings that you want applied. I also added comments, which are in between the parenthesis; those are ignored by the gcode.

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That’s a pretty clutch trick!

You can call smoothing settings by number or name too.

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Great to know! Which smoothing settings are you using for each part? I have found that I get strange gouges when I try to do intricate patterns with “precision router” - “3d Relief” seems to be the remedy but it is quite a bit less smooth.

I did “Precision Router” for roughing and a slightly slowed down “3d Relief” for finishing…but I’m still experimenting with those, and I’ve only done a few complex carves. It’s weird that 3D Relief would be less smooth; you mean more rough edges? Or less smooth movement?


Yeah those are the same as I use at this point. Precision router for anything roughing/surfacing/pocketing and 3D Relief for detailed surfacing.

Less smooth as in less smooth movement, parts are definitely coming out great!

I probably just need to suck it up and get the servos!