Has anyone experienced their CNC12 / EX controlled machine periodically not homing identically / loss of repeatability?
I was running a rotary job when the bit stalled in the material. I stopped the job (via tool check, then cancel). Re-homed the machine just to be sure, as the bit had stalled the gantry. Went back to work X0Y0 and found it was 3/16" off in -X.
Turned off the machine completely. Turned it back on and re-homed it. Gave the same result.
Oddly enough, it also seemed like the machine itself - not just its work X0Y0 - was off. My tool height setter is on the front right corner, and I had to specifically increase the x-travel to feel comfortable that a 1/2" diameter bit would not collide with the spoilboard during a tool height check. After this stall, it seemed (I can only perceive as I never measured it before), that the spindle was also off (-X) from where it was previously, as a 1/2" endmill nearly collided with the spoilboard.
Now I had a custom WCS angle loaded the whole time (the rotary-recalled WCS). Don’t know if that had anything to do with it, or if rotary WCS’s need to be cleared every time the machine is turned on and homed.
Has anyone experienced their CNC12 / EX controlled machine periodically not homing identically / loss of repeatability?