I have 4848 pro with 3 hp 3000 cfm dust collector. I have 2 4 inch hoses. One on either side of the spindle. Works really well but… i have tried 5 different remotes.3 wouldn’t even turn the dust collector on at all.
Collectors is 220v 18 amps according to the motor. 2 that did work didn’t last very long. One was the yellow ones from woodcraft. Cant find it for reference. My cuurent one fron vonoff just quit yesterday. Does anyone know of one that work. Thanks for reading my post.
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Have you checked with Oneida air systems? Mine came with the unit works flawlessly.
Thank you very much. I will look at that.
The diy route has worked well for me. 120 vac coil motor contractor costs around $16 and will carry 40 amps.
Thank you Rob but I don’t know anything about electrical so not something I want to try.
No problem. If you change your mind this would be a great electrical introductory project. Avid supplies a couple of relays that allow you to pass 110v to a controlled device (ie. dust collector) and use M7, M8, M9 codes in your gcode to control your dust collection system automatically. In any case, good luck!
Thank you. I do appreciate your reply. If this Oneida doesn’t work I will may well try your idea.