So I think I’m finally near the end of my tweaking and tuning journey, I still need to do final shimming of the gantry. Using a laser as a “path tracer” I’m still seeing about 0.005" of 20Hz vibration/wiggle/resonance in the lines the laser leaves. This is at about 2000 mm/min. The tuning software says about 0.001 of this is servo tracking. Heck, the laser itself might be flexing.
Yes, I can run slower and get cleaner lines, but my question here is - what do people think the limits of this machine (pro 60x120) are? How fast do you think you can reliably run, and how accurate do you assume your cuts et al are? What are reasonable max’s for roughing vs finish, just because of machine rigidity?
Without some comparison, I don’t know if my results are great or terrible…
FWIW, the design limit of these servos is about 6000 IPM, which I am a bit scared to approach without caution… 1000 IPM rapids is possible but I’m limiting it to 500 for now due to power supply limitations.