Hello All!
Working on getting my head into Mach4 on my 5 x 10 AVID with CNC depot ATC. I have had some successful tool changes but need to make some modifications and don’t know where to start.
Firstly, I need to take the dust boot off for the my current tool bar setup (will change in the future). So I added a pop up message to remove the dust boot. However, I can’t seem to figure out where to put another pop up message to have re-install the dust boot before it starts cutting. I would like the machine to pick up the next tool, travel to machine Z0 then travel to the next X & Y coordinates for the cut, then pause, allow me to install the dust boot and then plunge down to the cutting surface.
Currently it seems like it picks up the tool, then travels down to a low Z height, turns on the spindle and then comes across the whole table to the cutting location.
This is the current script (ignore T3 position as its not setup yet).
function m6()
local inst=mc.mcGetInstance()
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, ‘Tool change in progress again’)
------ Get and compare next and current tools ------
local SelectedTool = mc.mcToolGetSelected(inst)
local CurrentTool = mc.mcToolGetCurrent(inst)
if (SelectedTool == CurrentTool) then
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, “Next tool = Current tool”)
do return end
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, ‘Break 0’)
------ Define slide distance and direction ------
------ Only 1 of these should have a non-zero value -----
------ Changing from a positive to negative slide value, or vice-versa, will change the direction that the tool slides into the tool fork -----
local XSlide = 0.00
local YSlide = 2.00
local dwell = 5.00
------- Declare Position Variables ------
local XPos = 0
local YPos = 0
local ZPos = 0
------ For spindles that have a partial tool push out, define the amount of movement here -----
local ZBump = 0.100
------ Define the OUTPUT# for the drawbar signal -----
local DrawBarOut = mc.OSIG_OUTPUT6
------ Get current state ------
local CurFeed = mc.mcCntlGetPoundVar(inst, 2134)
local CurFeedMode = mc.mcCntlGetPoundVar(inst, 4001)
local CurAbsMode = mc.mcCntlGetPoundVar(inst, 4003)
------ Turn off spindle and wait for decel -------
local GCode = “”
GCode = GCode … “M5\n”
GCode = GCode … string.format(“G04 P%.4f\n”, dwell)
mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait(inst, GCode)
------ Move to current tool change position ------
local tool = CurrentTool
–You will need to enter the tool position below.
–Once you enter them, copy and paste the area defined
–below to the second set of positions further down in
–the script. The two sets of tool positions must match
–exactly, or unexpected motion will occur!!!
-----------------Copy Start-------------------
----- Define Tool Postions ------
–Tool 1–
wx.wxMessageBox(“Remove Dust Boot”)
if tool == 1 then
XPos = 3.0735
YPos = 121.9236
ZPos = -12.5125
–Tool 2–
elseif tool == 2 then
XPos = 9.6307
YPos = 121.9236
ZPos = -12.5125
–Tool 3–
elseif tool == 3 then
XPos = 35.000
YPos = 35.000
ZPos = -3.000
–Copy and past this individual section to add more stations
–to your tool rack
–Tool 4–
–elseif tool == 4 then
–XPos = 4.000
–YPos = 20.000
–ZPos = -3.000
---------------Copy Stop------------------
wx.wxMessageBox(“Invalid tool #. Cancelling tool change!\nYour requested tool will now be set as the current tool in the spindle.\nEnsure that the tool station that you have selected is empty!”)
mc.mcToolSetCurrent(inst, SelectedTool)
do return end
local GCode = “”
GCode = GCode … “G00 G90 G53 Z0.0\n”
GCode = GCode … string.format(“G00 G90 G53 X%.4f Y%.4f\n”, (XPos-XSlide), (YPos-YSlide))
GCode = GCode … string.format(“G00 G90 G53 Z%.4f\n”, ZPos)
GCode = GCode … string.format(“G00 G90 G53 X%.4f Y%.4f\n”, XPos, YPos)
mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait(inst, GCode)
------ Open drawbar ------
local hsig = mc.mcSignalGetHandle(inst, DrawBarOut)
mc.mcSignalSetState(hsig, 1)
------ Raise spindle, after releasing tool ------
GCode = “”
GCode = GCode … string.format(“G01 G90 G53 Z0.00 F50.0\n”)
mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait(inst, GCode)
------ Move to next tool change position ------
tool = SelectedTool
-----------------Copy Start-------------------
----- Define Tool Postions ------
–Tool 1–
if tool == 1 then
XPos = 3.0735
YPos = 121.9236
ZPos = -12.5125
–Tool 2–
elseif tool == 2 then
XPos = 9.6307
YPos = 121.9236
ZPos = -12.5125
–Tool 3–
elseif tool == 3 then
XPos = 35.000
YPos = 35.000
ZPos = -3.000
–Copy and past this individual section to add more stations
–to your tool rack
–Tool 4–
–elseif tool == 4 then
–XPos = 4.000
–YPos = 20.000
–ZPos = -3.000
---------------Copy Stop------------------
wx.wxMessageBox(“Invalid tool #. Retrieving previous tool!”)
SelectedTool = CurrentTool
GCode = “”
GCode = GCode … string.format(“G00 G90 G53 X%.4f Y%.4f\n”, XPos, YPos)
GCode = GCode … string.format(“G00 G90 G53 Z%.4f\n”, ZPos + ZBump)
mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait(inst, GCode)
------ Clamp drawbar ------
mc.mcSignalSetState(hsig, 0)
GCode = “”
GCode = GCode … string.format(“G01 G90 G53 Z%.4f F50.0\n”, ZPos)
GCode = GCode … string.format(“G00 G90 G53 X%.4f Y%.4f\n”, (XPos-XSlide), (YPos-YSlide))
mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait(inst, GCode)
------ Move Z to home position ------
GCode = “”
mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait(inst, “G00 G90 G53 Z0.0\n”)
------ Reset state ------
mc.mcCntlSetPoundVar(inst, 2134, CurFeed)
mc.mcCntlSetPoundVar(inst, 4001, CurFeedMode)
mc.mcCntlSetPoundVar(inst, 4003, CurAbsMode)
------ Set new tool ------
mc.mcToolSetCurrent(inst, SelectedTool)
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, string.format(“Tool change - Tool: %.0f”, SelectedTool))