Torque wrenches

Hi Guys,
Can you recommend a good torque wrench for the Er20 collet? Would I also need the fork type adapter.
I know I’ve seen it done a thousand times with out just want a piece of mind and it be good to have in the shop


Okay, I’ll ask my Mechanic :wink:

Good discussion about that here:

I have been considering adding the Amana torque wrench: Amana Tool ATW-32 Adjustable Torque Wrench for ER32 Collet 50mm Dia x 15-1/2 Inch Length -

While it seems expensive for a single purpose tool, I recently (documented on this forum not long ago) lost an expensive bit due to under torquing a bit that slipped.

One or two of those preventions, plus the peace of mind, might just be enough to justify.

[quote=“berrianmtn, post:4, topic:4280, full:true”]
I have been considering adding the Amana torque wrench: Amana Tool ATW-32 Adjustable Torque Wrench for ER32 Collet 50mm Dia x 15-1/2 Inch Length -

I think those are for atc setup’s so that wouldn’t work for me I have the nut an collet right now. I’m using the supplied wrenches

Appreciate the help guys