Has anyone else had erratic rotational speeds with their rotary axis with the new CNC12 EX controller?
See two videos (having issues embedding them):
https://vimeo.com/1053101960 (more erratic)
These are simple 3D roughing toolpaths - Z layer by layer - from VCarve Pro. This means there is very little X movement (only a step over) and all the wrapped Y movement is pure A rotation. There is no Z plunging during the A rotation. Watch how unequal the rotation speeds are from one direction to another, how slow the X stepover is, and in the second video, after two passes, how fast the chuck speeds up. The chuck speed should be consistent all the way through.
This is untenable - I cannot make a toolpath feedrate to compensate for going that slow, but then not crashing/ stalling or breaking the bit off when the chuck speeds up. At the moment, the Mach4 processor was far smoother with the rotary. Something is wrong. Anyone else have these issues?
When I tried Exact Stop smoothing and did a toolpath along the X axis (no rotation, no Z plunging), the X motion was fine, but a tiny stepover in A rotation caused a good 10-15 second pause at the turn-around point. If the bit had been in the stock (rather than beyond it or doing an air pass) the bit would have burned the wood.
I’m running the new CNC12 EX controller with a 5x10 Pro machine with rotary recess-mounted along the X axis pointing towards -X (chuck at +X end), running profile 5.22, using Contouring Router smoothing.