So I was messing around with the threading toolpath in Vetric and while I was milling the internal thread I hit the tool check to see if it was smart enough to disengage the threads and move to the center before it lifted up. Guess what… it wasn’t.
Tool check is working the way it should… it pauses and pulls straight up.
Better thing to do next time is to hit stop and then jog it out of the way.
It’s worth noting that “stop” on CNC12 isn’t like Mach, it’s a controlled stop so you hold position. You can easily resume a job to by going into the RUN button and searching for the line you stopped on. If you did a controlled stop the line you stopped on will already be filled in.
The resume function will traverse through your code and make sure that you’re on the right tool, that your spindle is on, and it will even jog you back to the correct position if you moved away.
I am pretty sure it wouldn’t do a lead in to get you back in your threads like you have here, so in that particular instance I would just start the job over again.
In Mach4 I was used to having the jogging and stop spindle functions available after a Feed Hold. In this case I would just execute a Feed Hold, jog to the center, jog it up in z and then stop the spindle. I could then resolve the problem and re-start by pressing Cycle Start or might have to provide a Run From Here line number. Is that possible in Acorn?
Thanks for the reply Eric this was just a test to test the threading function and see how that tool check would respond. Good to know about the resume function, I’ll try that out for sure. I was just dicking around . I was making one of those rt hnd lt hnd nut and bolts
Yes, it’s better in Acorn as Feed hold and Stop are controlled stops that don’t need you to have to rehome. See my earlier post (or try it yourself!