Parking after cutting?

Good day.
How and where would I set after finishing a part…instead at the to go to x0y0 it ends at x10y8?

This is just to move the gantry out of the way for me to install a new part for cutting.

In Vcarve or CNC 12?


I don’t use either of those CAM packages, or Mach 3 as my controller. I use FreeCAD and LInuxCNC, and I have a custom M code for my park location, and just include that M code in the post processor postable.

You might be able to add a Custom M code and include it like that, or optionally, you could add a G53 X10 Y8 in your postamble of the post processor.

I’m new to all of this and am just getting my machine set up, but I’ll try to jump in and help out.

If you are running the EX Controller you can go into the Acorn Wizard, then under General, Home and Park, you can set up a park location and also check “Park machine at end of job”.

Hope this helps!

THIS is the solution! Thanks @Pertech

Nice Tnx!