CNC12 first cut and some questions

Got the machine cutting …it works great and the pendant is such a time saver.
I got a few question before I move on to the plasma side…
-After I zero everything and make the cut at the end the machine will go to
x-0.084/y-0.084 not 0,0 is there a way to set after the cut to always go to 0,0?
-After I hit cycle start it goes all the way up and tells me your tool have been measured then hit cycle start it will go to cutting…can this be set to park like 2" after the tool have been measured? before cutting?
-for some reason I got on my desktop a bunch of text files created 09104.txt, 09105.txt like 10 of these these seem to be created by CNC12 with a bunch of messages like “set laser” etc etc

If I can get these 3 things solved I am good to move on.


Check your CAM software settings AND the “move after home” settings in the CNC12 wizard

Not in the control. Every time a tool change is complete the machine will go all the way to the top of Z travel. This is to help prevent hitting any clamps or fixtures.

Rapid moves, which are moves between cuts are control by your CAM software and they can be adjusted there.

Those are temporary files generated by CNC12. They are necessary but temporary and can be deleted if you want, however you can’t prevent the control from making them.

Quick question here about post Rotary setup. After I set up the rotary and the X axis was adjusted in order to travel with the A axis if it is a little off as Eric mentioned, I now have an angle indicator next to the X on the WCS DRO. I understand this to mean that the coordinate system is rotated to match the calibration of the rotary.

My question is after I shut the system down and started it up the next day and homed the machine, I still have the angle symbol after X on the WCS DRO. Does this mean that the coordinate system is still rotated to match the rotary calibration? How do I get it back to squaring from the homing procedure so that normal 2D operations are square and not rotated?

Thanks for any information on this.

Yes that is correct. To remove the rotation you have to reset your XYZ and angle settings in the WCS table. You’ll find that under the Set Part Zeros menu

Would that be “Zero CSR”? Or actually change the values in the table?

The rotary calibration changed the values from zeros under G54. Should I move these to G55 for use with the rotary and save G54 for normal operations?

I just installed the plasma side and everything seems fine, movement, torch firing etc.

One thing that has me puzzled that everytime I switch profiles from Plasma to router and vice versa in reinstalls/update the firmware and I need to shut down and restart the box. I am using * [Router v5.22 u1]

  • [Plasma v5.18 u1]

How can I solve this?


Recalling the rotary will overwrite your active WCS (there is a warning about it when you hit recall) so if you want the rotary on a different WCS switch to it and recall the rotary again… or you could copy the values manually.

You can’t. This is how it works. Switching from plasma to router is using two completely different copies of CNC12. Zero data and files are shared between them.

The firmware update has to happen to make sure that the software and your firmware match.

Understood thanks!

Hi Eric. Different question regarding your video. I almost always use the machine bed as Z reference. After the tool height setter is initially calibrated can it be set to automatically run at the beginning of each G-code file as well as tool changes to set Z zero to the bed. That way I would never have to use the touch plate except on the rare occasions when I needed to use the top of the material as the reference.

You can use CNC Workoffsets to do this. G55 is my spoilboard bed at a specific X/Y location on my table. I cut most everything from there.


Yes, it’s simpler than you may think:

A Z offset of 0 means that your Z zero is on your bed. A Z offset of 1" means you touched off to a piece of material that is 1" thick. You can see these offsets in your Set Part Zeros>WCS Table

So in your case if you just want to zero off of the bed never set your Z offset to anything other than 0 and you’re all set.

Note: Even if you leave the Z offset at zero, every new tool will need to be touched off to the fixed touch plate.

Thanks. I haven’t made the upgrade yet and it was hard to tell from the documentation. It will be a big time saver for me.

After trying out the plasma at the end it does not go to 0,0
but close so I am guessing this is in the post processor.
Because I am using Vcarve as cam and I havent changed nothing only added the new post processor.

I tried the parking button thinking it was 0,0 at work coordinates but it is machine…so the machine went fast to the homing 0,0…scared me lol

Check your settings there to see what it’s doing first.

Park/Home offset buttons are always machine coordinates, as you found out.