Tool change step by step?

I wish you would break the tool settings into more detailed idiot-proof step by step

Not sure if you saw this but we created a step by step “first cut” video:

I watched it 7 times

What remaining questions do you have? I’d be happy to help.

“Commanding the machine to go to zero”. How is that done
"you cannot use touch plate utility with an unmeasured tool” error message
line 1 incorrect g code
So when error messages come up, is there a database of what they mean and how to fix them?

this message is after ran tool height setting and surface setting

That just means moving the machine to Z zero. You can do this however you want… You can use the pedant, the keyboard or a G code command in the MDI window.

It’s done in the video just to demonstrate where the top of the material is, it’s not something that you have to do.

Every tool you insert into the spindle needs to be measured against the fixed tool height setter. That’s what the MTC button is for. There are cases where you can have an “unmeasured tool” usually those occur if you abort a tool change in the middle of measuring one, or if you manually delete the tool measurment.

This is needed because the machine can’t determine where Z zero is unless if knows how far the tool sticks out of the spindle

You’re seeing that message because you haven’t measured the tool. You do it like this:

(This video will start playing at “first tool change” You might want to rewind that video back a little bit to see how to setup the fixed tool height setter if you haven’t done it already

you had me all excited… I click on the MTC and… Nothing comes up. LOL what’s next? do I remove the G code in v care or cnc12?
BTW I really appreciate your help

It should ask you what tool you want to install.

If you have the wizard open the buttons might not work. Try exiting CNC12 and opening it again to see if you can do an MTC (and make sure the machine is homed before you do )

So this is what I was doing. After going through the tool height setting and surface calibration, I clicked on the Set Parts zeros/F1 button, then the plate button, and then tried to touch plate process. That’s when the error message about the unmeasured tool came up. But if I click the MTC before the set parts zeros, IT WORKS! Solved
So this is what I was doing. After going through the tool height setting and surface calibration, I clicked on the Set Parts zeros/F1 button, then the plate button, and then tried to touch plate process. That’s when the error message about the unmeasured tool came up. But if I click the MTC before the set parts zeros, IT WORKS! Solved

now I’m trying to run the Gantry Square and tramming calibration v1and get another error message 501 invalid character , line 1


What are you trying to run? Some kind of a g code file?

THE FILE Avid had you r
Gantry Square and Tramming Calibration v1.crv (39 KB)
un for calibration

Are you using the EX post processor?

Also there is an updated squaring method

Does v carve 12 have it in the software?

Yes, it’s listed as “Avid EX”

There are several posts to choose from. Some in Inches, some in Metric, some for rotary, etc.

Likely you want either the “inches” or the “MM” one unless you have a rotary.

How is this fixed?

Post the g code here that giving you that error and I will take a look

I am unsure how to get to it. When I click edit G code in cnc12, it opens V carve and has a code 1 error message and doesn’t open the code. Is there another way to open the code and copy it?