Tool change step by step?

Gantry Square and Tramming Calibration v1.crv (39 KB)

What you have posted here is your VCarve file, I want to see the G code that you are running…

Or is this the file you tried to load in CNC12? If you did that that’s your problem, you cannot load this type of file, you need to load a G code file which is created by VCarve

I thought I did that, but I’ll try again. I will make sure it goes to vcarve 1st, then save it, then load it into cnc12
will keep you posted

Eureka, it worked. It was so amazing to see it run for the first time. Thank you for sticking with me.


Proud Of You Yes GIF

at the tool change a message came up :“touch plate triggered clear to continue.”
I pressed the clear button
and It wouldn’t clear just froze
any Ideas

Lift up on the plate a little bit to see if it clears. You have to press cycle start to continue

Yes, Cycle start clear,esc, f7 reset was the only thing that worked, but it got me out of the job, and I had to start over
the plate wasn’t recognized in this mode; direct contact didn’t trigger

Contact support about this (use the link up top) they may warranty it out for you.

For the short term you can put something underneath it to hold it up (but not jam it) something like bit of a kitchen sponge will do it. You need just enough pressure to keep it up high, but something soft enough to let it move when a tool hits it.

It still works; both the tool height setting and the touch plate
it only froze during the tool change

So you are able to complete a tool change now?

Not sure what Aboe is
I couldn’t complete the tool change. It was frozen. I just reset it and haven’t tried a 2nd time yet