On the probe detect, I just realized that since I have the Avid laser, input 7 isn’t available to be used for the touch probe detect. I suppose the best option might be to add the centroid USB-BOB panel interface once Avid supports CNC12 version 5.20. This would, I believe, provide more inputs.
Input 7 is used for the air pressure notification on a laser system, and when you’re running a plasma profile (which is a totally separate install) it’s used for plasma float, so unless you have a dual use with laser AND plasma you can use that input
I must be missing something. I have an Avid laser and no plasma.
Input 7 is mapped to the CNC12 PressureLowWarning (or some name like that). How could I dual purpose this input with the behavior of ProbeDetect, e.g. how would the system know if the air pressure was low or the probe was plugged in?
Ah ok, if you have a laser you’ll want that air pressure input to work, you could bypass it and reuse that input, but I wouldn’t.
You don’t have to use the probe detect input, you can set it to go into probe detect mode by tool number. So you could reserve something like tool 98 for your probe. That way when you switch to tool 98 your jog rate will be slowed and your spindle will be disabled, which is the same thing that happens when you activate probe detect anyway.
I am assuming here that you have the Centroid KP1 probe? That’s an NO probe (normally open). If you have another probe type that’s NC (normally closed) it’s easier to get away with one input…
You can’t use the USB BOB for Probe Detect. You’d have to use an Ether 1616 for that.
If you carelessly leave the probe in… However you do have to do a tool change everytime you use it so it gets measured, so as long as you don’t mess up the tool number as soon as you put the probe in it’s in protect mode anyway…
The fixed touch plate can measure a probe without damaging it even if it’s not plugged in, and when you’re in the probing screen you can see the grahpic to indicate if the probe is signaling or not if you tap it.
That’s how I do it, I just change to the probe tool number, measure it, go to the probe screen and tap it to see if it works. If that’s all good I’m good to probe. As soon as I’m done the probe is removed.
During the time I have the probe in (by way of using the probe tool number) it’s in probe protect.
Is the upcoming ATC rack going to contain an ether16 board? I noticed this on the ATC / The Future details of the AV series spindle:
Auxiliary Control Box
A new auxiliary control box will manage automatic tool changes and provide a platform for future I/O expansion, allowing for easy integration of accessories, sensors, and other exciting products.