Schematics for rotary hookup on ex controller?

I am contemplating some applications for a rotary table as well as a tangent controlled tool but, and I am wondering what the wiring for the rotary would be if I grabbed a clearpath servo to drive my table/tool control. The step/direction part seems clear but I assume the servo is powered by the 5 pin connector marked rotary and I don’t know what all those pins are.

Any chance of seeing a schematic for the Ex controller any time soon for those of use thinking about customizations?



We’re working on releasing a technical manual, we’re close but not quite there yet.

You are correct that we are using step and direction on that 8 pin connector. The 5 pin is for power, and we’re only using two pins on it for DC 48 volts.

You could likely use any SDSK Clearpath servo easily with our system.

We could probably sell you one if you wanted to get one right from us…