What causes z travel exceeded?

so after a few days running plasma I switched to router…
did the tool height setting and work surface calibration.

loaded a simple 3mm depth cut about 2 inches above the spoilboard and I got the msg z travel exceeded…

I restarted cnc12 redid the calibrations again and it ran no problem???

For the Avid team:
When you go and set your tool height setter…its called tool height setter calibration, then touch plate then touch off plate.
a bit confusing if you ask me… for someone that not using the machine daily and or switch over… its a bit weird/confusing.


What tool number is your gcode using? I ran into a problem where I was using tool number zero, which will result in this error. Changing to a different number helped.

You should notice that when you first start you will see your z where zero is at the topmost part of the z axis. But then after tool height setting, zero will be at the spoilboard for the currently loaded tool.

When you load GCode for a job CCN12 does a scan through it and will report “z travel exceeded” for all bits that aren’t measured (0 height so a z exceeded would happen). Once you run the code and install and measure a bit the problem will not actually happen.

RE The naming of the “Tool Touch Plate” - I noticed that too; it should probably be a bit more consistent to avoid confusion with the normal “Touch Off Plate”.


So today I was running the machine no issues.
Switched to another job
where I had to drill holes with an 1/8" (tool1)then profile cut with a 3/16" (tool2)bit

So I do a manual tool change for bit 1 goes to the tool setter… then set my x,y,z 0

start the job it drills all the holes ask me to change tool…so I change to bit 2 goes to the tool setter again…press cycle start to resume the job and I get z exceeded.

What else need I look into?
