Z axis work envelope exceeded - What am I missing

I have updated my pro4848 to the new EX Controller and have calibrated the Tool Height Setter along with the Spoil Board Height. I have a project that uses two bits, a 90 deg V-Bit and 1/4 in End Mill. I perform a MTC to bit 2 (1/4 End Mill), using the touch plate I zero to the top left hand corner of the work surface, press cycle start and I receive “Z axis work envelop exceeded”. The profile has “spoil board dig-in” on and set to 0.05. Also “Set Z Zero” is set to yes. Just as a note the machine’s unit are set to Inches, while my project is using mm. Project was created in V-Carve Pro. What step am I missing? or What setting is missing/in correct.

It’s a little confusing, but this error can probably safely be ignored. The problem is the controller loads the Gcode and does a pass through it, and your bit’s do not have a height, which would cause it to go out of bounds. But once it is measured it will be all fine. If it isn’t, then something else is wrong!


@corbin is exactly right here… To expand on that a little:

When you have a multi tool job like that the controller has no way to predict what the tool lengths will be ahead of time (because you haven’t installed those tool yet) so it will throw warnings like that. Once you measure the tool and go to cut, if it will actually exceed the work envelope it won’t cut.

So if your first tool was fine, but your second tool (And second toolpath) was made in such a way that it would travel outside the work envelope it would gracefully stop right there.

Another thing you cannot do is:

Don’t do this. If you post G code in MM you have to have your machine in MM.

I can see from this screenshot (Assuming this is you)

You have some pretty high numbers for all axes here… Line 4364 indicates that you’re trying to cut 5 inches deep (which probably was posted as 5mm) and the lines below indicate a movement in x of 189, which if it was MM would be within the work envelope of your machine. Since you say you have a 48 x 48 there’s no way even if you got past your Z issue that the rest of the g code would run because of that.

Vectric, your post and your machine should all be in the same units.

That was the problem, I was using the mm post processor instead of the inch. I was thinking that might have been the issue but I got side track after reading about G20 and G21. I thought I read that if the controller encounters G21 for a machine configured in inches, the controller would convert the X, Y, Z values to the correct machine values. I am going to assume that when I am using Baltic Berch I can design in mm and post process in inch. Thanks for the response this has be driving me nuts for days.

It’s not a conversion per se… It’s more like this

If it’s told to move 5 units and the machine is in inches it will move 5 inches.

If it’s told to move 5 units and the machine is in MM it will move 5 mm.

This means that your posted G code needs to be in the correct units.

You’re quite welcome!