What's on the cnc today?

I have to readjust the spindle it’s way to low and retram the machine you know the fun stuff!! :grin:

Aligning the rotary setup to get everything ‘perfect’. Perfect means within .005. Not exactly easy given how the tailstock is adjusted, but I’m just about there.
Doing this to get dowels with a precise snug fit (1.495" into a 1.500" hole), without the taper you get with a poorly aligned tailstock. Along the way I tried out the new “Beta” version of Centroid’s volumetric compensation and it was pretty amazing how the software eliminated a hardware issue. Not saying that’s necessarily the way to go, of course, but if you’ve eliminated everything you can control, it’s a really nice feature.

Testing the new ATC. Mechanically it is working well. G-Code seems to be correct. Having some issues with my compressor not kicking on when it should. Brand new too…