Zero "Machine Bed" newb

How is this doing a final cut thru the material, when the DRO is reading Z coord .027?

A bit more info:
I have always zero’d at the “material surface” in VCarve Pro. It was suggested to zero to the “machine bed” to prevent cutting into the spoilboard (more importantly the new expensive Tile Gasket™).

This may help… a screenshot of the VCarve settings for this cut. Hope someone can answer. I’m stumped. Thx

If you zero’d on your bed, you need to tell vcarve that. It looks like you have it set to cut from Z=0 (start of cut) to Z=-0.615 (cut depth). If Z=0 is your bed, this means it’s going to cut your bed.

If Z=0 is your bed and your material is 0.615 thick, set start of cut to 0.615 (top of stock, relative to Z=0 bed) and cut depth to 0.615 (i.e. bottom of cut is Z=0)

If in doubt, “air cut” it by moving the head to Z=2, resetting the DRO to 0, and running your job. It should do everything 2" higher than “for real”. You can re-zero on the bed afterwards.

Within VCarve "Job Setup: is “Machine Bed”. The CNC is then zero’d to the bed.
Doesn’t that tell Vcarve that it has been zero’d to the bed, and it should create the final pass to .000??

I don’t run vcarve, I’m just going by what’s on your screenshot.

Have you zero’d the bed with vac on or off? There could be some compression in the spoil board with vac on.

Always VAC on. It’s cutting just right (not into the spoilboard, but just thru the material). Just confused why it’s doing it at .027

It looks like there is some kind of offset going on because of your stock/jobsize setting. I’ve never seen it say “various settings”.

For example if you set the stock/jobsize to 0.615 inches, zero off the bed, and then use cut depth of 0.615 then the Final Cut will occur at 0.00Z.

But if your stock is set to 0.75 and you set the cut depth to 0.615, then the Final Cut will occur at 0.135Z.

Therefore something has set the stock thickness in your project to .615+.027. Could be related to why you have “various” for the stock sizes instead of just .615

I also noticed that you have 4 passes set for this thickness of material, and with a compression bit. The passes are either too shallow for a 1/4” compression bit, or you have an onion skin pass at 0.027.

Thanks Arcrunner, I think you’re on to the issue. I have limited knowledge about the optimal number of passes for the .25 compression bit. I do a final Z cut of .020 to help the Vac workhold, and a final pass on the profile to get a good final clean cut. Is that good practice? (seems to be working fine)

on the left side of your screen, you’ll see a tab called “sheets”. I have an older version of aspire so I don’t have that option, but from what I’ve researched, you can have multiple sheets with different dimensions as well as thickness, so I would be willing to bet that your current sheet is thicker than .615.

Thanks for the input. I don’t understand how a sheet thickness can play a roll, when it is zero’d at machine bed.

If the sheet thickness is set to .75 for example, and you make a cut at .65 it’s going to leave 0.1”.

If you set the cut to .75 then it will cut all the way down to the spoilboard.

Even if you zero off the spoilboard, it’s still going to reference what you set the stock to. Wether or not the stock is the actual thickness, it will calculate based off what it is told the stock thickness is.

Thank you. That is understandable, but there is no material being left . The material was being cut all the way thru, while the Z DRO was at .027
If the machine is reading .027 z depth and it has been zero’d to the machine bed, it should not have been able to cut all the way thru the material. I appreciate the help from everyone. Wish I had a smoking gun on this. Thanks!

Did we misunderstand the problem? Was the DRO reading Z=0 at the bed before the job, but 0.027 below the bed after? If, after the job, you run “G0 Z1.0” is the tip of the bit 1.0 inch above the bed?