Anyone using PrimeWeld Cut60?

I have a Pro 60120 with dual Z mounts. I already have the router setup working and now moving to the plasma side.

Has anyone successfully used a PrimeWeld Cut60 with SheetCAM and the AVID setup? Specifically, I’m wondering if anybody has created a tool file for the Cut60 that works well with SheetCAM and Mach 4?

I have the Tecmo PTM-60 Plasma Torch.

Any help or tips would be appreciated!


Are you looking for the cutting info?
Maybe this will help PrimeWeld Cut60 cut chart

Thank you for sending this. I’ve seen this chart on the Langmuir forum where a lot of folks are using the Cut60 with SheetCAM. I know this chart is part of the equation. I’m new to this and just not sure what I need to do with it.

Avid provides the downloadable post processor and tools file but it’s specifically for Hypertherm. I’m trying to figure what I need to do for the Cut60. For example, can I just make a copy of the Hypertherm tools and rename it and enter the Cut60 values from the chart. Do the same post processor statements work the same for the Cut60 or is it more complicated than that?

Thanks for the help!

I used the post processor for the Hypertherm (Not finecut)…and my wiring is the same as the Hypertherm as well. I am using a HTP 875 plasma cutter.
Your torch looks similar to mine…

Whenever I had a settings that ran great I renamed for example…
HTP 3mm Alum THC90v

But these days I just run it without THC…and soon moving to the new Ex system which is better on the plasma side than Mach4. (dry run, resume work etc)

Remember to match your Sheetcam post processor setting Ohmic/Floating to the pin selection in the plasma Ohmic black box.
Run your first cuts…small parts with the THC off to get the cutting quality you want.

Thank you so much for this help. I really appreciate it. This will get me started.

Sorry for asking so many questions… Last night as I was following the AVID plasma setup instructions, I realized that the Tecmo PTM-60 Plasma Torch doesn’t seem to have an ohmic ring available. I’m guessing that most non-Hypertherm torches don’t.

What options are available to simulate material/torch height? Did you create your own custom ohmic ring for your torch or do you use an alternative method/device and how do you interface it with the THC black box?

I’m having a hard time finding setup/config information for anything other than Hypertherm.


No problem…it is allot of info to take in…
I use this Ohmic ring from

But you can make your own as well

The wire from the plasma ohmic ring goes to the “blue box” which is the springloaded/magnetic plasma torch holder.

From there the wire m12 connector i guess…goes thru my cable trays to connect to my ohmic black box…which sits on top of my vfd box.

I usually do not use the Ohmic option…I use the floating /switch option…
One thing I always wanted to do it to replace the springs with softer one…so it does not need to push the material too hard…

Thank you again for all of the help! It’s truly appreciated!