Avid centroid rotary and plasma?

Does the new system work with the rotary and plasma?
I have a project coming up and need to cut tube notches.


yes, but**

**When you’re using plasma there is a 4th port still open for the rotary axis. We (Avid) don’t turn it on because we don’t support that setup.

I don’t believe there’s any technical reason why you couldn’t do this. In CNC12 it’s as simple as just telling the control you have a rotary connected and configuring the steps per rev, etc.

The more challenging thing is going to be setting up the G Code files.

You might be better served by posting here:


Got it…since I have it might as well use it.
I always wanted to have a longer gantry in install the rotary at the side of the machine…but I will look into this. Sheetcam does have the rotary option upgrade.


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