Darn Z Axis Envelope Exceeded Rotary

darn just when I think I have both machines sorted out I get Z Axis Envelope Exceeded on a Rotary job. I had spoil dig turned off, so I turned it on and gave it .02 and still fail. the bit lines up with the center line of the live center. What did I miss?

Where is the rotary mounted? Above or below the table?

When you did the “recall calibrate” in the rotary menu were you using a measured tool (IE one you had in the spindle that had been previously touched off to the fixed tool height setter)

Do you have your Z axis height set properly in the wizard? (do you have an 8 or 12" Z?)

rotary inset, tool was measured z axis set as 12 inch. Strange that it was working a week ago…

Can you post the G code for your rotary job that’s failing?

here it is, it only let me post about half the file.

Any chance you could zip it and post it here? Seeing the whole file is important.

New_1-3D Roughing 1.cnc (66.0 KB)

Ok I did solve this by going to a longer End Mill

Ah so the error was correct :slight_smile: that’s good to hear

Maybe a non-error error…

So just like an “err” not a full “error”

I’ll see myself out… :slight_smile:

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