How to resume cut a part of a big cut?

Good day.
Question…I had to cut about 60 pcs of a design…the torch crashed but I managed to restart point the next day and move on. attached is an example a single cut and let say the red part did not cut. is there a way to cut the red part only? In Mach4 with the gcode loaded how can you let the machine move and come about to cut the red part? (dry run?)

The plate did not move and I stored the 0,0 in g55.

Thank you!

I believe you can do that by selecting the line of code you want to start from (take note of it when the cut crashed) and click on “Run Gcode from Here”. It will prompt you to start the spindle so whatever correlates to that in your plasma or laser world you would want to do appropriately. It will process all the Gcode up to that point and then prompt you to move the axes to the starting location that it has calculated. You can move all axes at once or select one or more at a time. I usually check x and y and tell it to move “all selected” then I tell it to move unselected to move to the z position. When that is complete click on “Cycle Start Gcode”. This works in my router world.

I knew there was a section for routing machines so I went looking for the answer in the plasma manual, this might help you out Mach4 Plasma Users Guide - CNC Software