Pendant questions

Good day.
Finally my machine is running like a dream :smiley:
Now I finally feel productive.

A few question on the pendant control.
-Is there a way to set the increments button to move a certain distance only? like 1/16"
-How to set a macro to zero all
-a macro to go to z zero

and where do you zero all in cnc12.

I basically use the pendant 95% of the time…


Are you using the 1x 10x and 100x buttons? Those change the jogging increments. You can click the wheel one click at a time to get finite movements, or the +/- buttons

To do these you would need to set the wizard 1-4 pendant buttons to “custom” and then code in your own macro. The code will only be a few lines, something like this:

M200 “Press Cycle Start to move to Z zero. Cycle Cancel to stop”
Z0 F50 ;this will move to Z zero at a rate of 50 IPM

to make a macro for zero all that would be like this:

M200 “Press Cycle Start to zero XY and Z”
G92 X0
G92 Y0
G92 Z0

What would be the equivalent of Mach4 x0, y0, Z0 buttons in Cnc12?
The ones in Mach4 located at the dro?

Thank you!

The above code in a “CUSTOM” macro for the pendant would zero X Y Z all at once.

What I meant is on the cnc12 as well. like the attached pic in Centroid cnc 12 there is a button to zero all axis.

Going to try to set the macros for the pendant

as well.

Thank you!

Are you running our version of CNC12 or theirs? That screenshot is theirs…

If you are running ours in the Avid wizard you can set one of your pendant buttons to “CUSTOM” when you do, and you press the button you get a location of a text file you can edit.

If you put that code that I showed above into that text file it will do what you want

I am running Avid version…I was just wondering where that button is located if there is any…I do not want to mess things up when the machine is running good :smile:

Just duplicate your profile and try it out. When you duplicate it it’s a full an exact copy of your install. You can experiment with that one and fall back to your good one if you need

You can duplicate your profile in the Profile Manager (where you launch your profile)

Here are a couple of resources you may want to check out.

I have found that customizing the VCP buttons to be much easier than the old Mach4 Screen mods.

You can edit the VCP however that’s not going to get you the shortcut on the pendant.

I’d recommend editing the custom pendant macro that we have provided with those 4 lines of code.

I hate to be so stupid but I am having trouble following the directions for setting a pendant Custom macro.

  1. Go to the Acorn Wixard and set one of the pendant buttons to Custom
  2. Write the changes and restart CNC12
  3. Turn on the pendant and press the button that is set for Custom
    Then what is suppose to happen because nothing is happening for me.

This is how you do it:

Thanks, I think I got it now. The initial message wasn’t coming up for me when the pendant button was pushed because I had not reset and homed. I know, not a smart move. There is a place holder for each of the four buttons but only one macro defined, M200. Is that what is preventing you from defining a separate custom setting for each of the four buttons? Could you define additional macros like M300, M400, etc to enable custom settings for each of the four buttons?

There is one custom macro file per button.

The M200 command pops up a dialog box and waits for you to press CYCLE START.

You can replace that with a message of your own and then follow it with whatever macro/Gcode code you want after it.

All of the G codes and macro code information is here: