Ready to retire and move so I must sell off all of my CNC machines

I have a few CNC machines from a turn key belt driven 16" wide table top to a metal 60" x 60 " using all Avid controllers. I ALSO HAVE A JOES that is in parts with unistrut stand with a cistom metal wrapped X. I also have over 100 cnc parts from new never used controllers, gecko drivers to chinese spindles vfd and so much it will take me a few weeks to list. Truly it overwhelming how much stuff I do have.

All my stuff is either new or lightly used or hobby level used.

Gping from a 3000 sq foot shop in my backyard to a retirement home with no garage at all is almost as stressful to me as inventoring and trying to sell off all my stuff.

My question is before I inventory all my stuff, which is a enormous undertaking, can only Avid stuff be here or any brand CNC items?


Since it sounds like a lot of the stuff has some Avid CNC parts/controllers I’d say go ahead and list them.


Hi, Looks like they posted rules and all machines are fair game. So you are good to go. You don’t happen to live in AZ do you? Just checking in case I might be interested. Thx!

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Ha no, I’m in Massachusetts and already have way too many CNC parts! :slight_smile:

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The shop is in IL , I am stuck in FL right now with a medical issue. As soon as I am fit to travel I will start the process of selling off my shop items, which I dread. I probably won’t list until I can list everything all at once.

It stinks that I will most likely get pennies on the dollar for things I never even opened, but I didn’t plan on a medical issue taking me down. All my future CNC plans are now gone. I will make 5 more projects and then its over for me.

When people see what I have as mostly a hobbyist I think some minds will be blown on how I even accumulated this many items and again much of it never used. Some things will be new old stock so who knows someone trying to find an old part might get lucky.

The rules were a bit vague to me on whether it had to be Avid stuff or anything CNC goes, thanks.

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I’m just getting started with CNC after building my own with Avid stuff and my own controls - Retiring soon and need to stay busy - I’d be interested in buy some bits to get me started out right.

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Hi Dovetail65, I’m in Monee, IL. Whatcha got that your selling? If you could post pictures and a brief explanation that would be great.

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I won’t be posting a list for a good 6 weeks. I am stuck out of state until my health issues are worked out.

I will post once I get close to selling. I just wanted to make sure the non Avid stuff could go here.


Well I live in Northern IL. list your stuff when able to understand out of state now. I will watch. Hope all works out for you Sir.


I am pretty far north myself, in Woodstock.

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Hi @dovetail65
Firstly, I’m really sorry to hear about your health issue, and that it’s forcing you to part with this stuff. Hopefully long after you sell your items to forum members, we can keep this thread alive and share what new life your great stuff has been able to bring about.
As for me, I’m in Oswego IL, so we’re only like an hour and 25 mins apart or so. Whenever you’re back in the area, feel free to reply on this thread or get in touch on direct message with any of us voicing interest. I’d love to come out and meet you and see what may work out.
Many thanks,

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It’s finally happening. I hired an estate sales company that is going to sell off all my stuff. If you want to come look before that sale starts and have first shot at CNC items come take a look.

The actual sale is May 25th and 26th, but some of my better CNC stuff and my largest turn key machine I will only sell to someone I know is going to use it.

I have to much to much to list right now. My main machine is a steel frame and gantry with an Avid controller, NEMA 36 Motors/ spindle, zero touch plate, all set up tools to get the spindle and table perfect when re-setting up, on table multicolor LED table lighting, runs Mach 4, etc. I’ll toss in my design software too. I also have brand new replacement parts for the machines basic parts including spindle, linear bearings, etc. It’s a 60" x 60" machine. I even have a low Noise DB Grizzly HEPA Mini Cyclone dust collector with it.

I can post pics later, but anyone that can drive out it’s best come as soon as you can. I have G540 controllers, Gecko drivers, Probotix and Acorn controllers, Power supplies, VFD’s, all brand new stuff. I also have a well used working table top belt drive CNC machine with a PMDX controller and the computer and software to run it and design and cut parts.

I also have a ton of used items including JOE CNC parts that someone can purchase , build and be up and running for cheap. It has a unistrut base and MDF carriages, but a steel wrapped gantry. I have enough motors and controllers you can buy everything you need from me to get up and running. Ask about it, better yet just come look. I don’t feel like dusting things off and making them pretty.

I am so overwhelmed it took three workers five -10 hour days just to get my shop to where you can walk around from the sheer volume of items, everything from wood(90% exotics)to band saws, table saws, Festool’s, routers, router bits, it goes on and on.

Just think if you had a 40 x 60 shop and for 20 years your wife let you buy whatever you wanted and you used the stuff to run a one man business. I lived it and it was fun, but it’s over. My larger machines are Grizzly, some brand new in the box, some super well used. I have a couple Delta tools, a 15" X5 planer, etc and several complete vacuum presses and items from small to enormous bags.

I’ll post the estate sales info, but for the best deal come look private before that happens.

For the right guy maybe with a family that dreams of a machine they just don’t have time to build or can’t afford, who knows I might give them the price of a lifetime on my main machine. I won’t give it away, it’s pretty simple to figure out what it cost me to build. Again, the machine is all Avid stuff, but steel, not 8020 base and gantry. The software alone is near 2500 .00 retail as we all know.

I already have my home in FL, I don’t even have a garage, so it’s worth a look if you can drive to Woodstock IL, 60098.

Message me or post here and I will check each night.

One of last large inlays before shutting it down

Okay everything is gone except for my last 60" x 60" and a bunch of CNC stuff I intended on using to make some more machines. It took 2 estate sales and 6 weeks of garage sales over a near 9 month period to sell a shop full of tools and machine(60 x 40 shop) that was literally filled to the ceiling( and two storage areas).

I decided I am not keeping my last CNC and all the items to build other machines. I have gone back and forth half a dozen times since the OP.

I am looking to sell everything to one person that might want a machine and get parts to build a few other machines.

All my stuff is new never used(or I can add in some gently used stuff too) . The 60’x 60" CNC only has about 16 hours(approx) on it and the Dust collector less than 2 hours, the cartridge filter proves that. One of the most quiet dust collectors in this format ever made. This collector connected to the brand new AVID shoe leaves about a thimble full of dust at best after a test run.

I was going to piece meal the stuff, I decided not to. Over a long period of time I could get a lot more cash, I just don’t feel like I want to do that or have time at this point. I have had many offers for just the Hi Win rails, the spindles, VFD’s, Drives , the Controllers, etc, right now I am holding out to just get 10K for everything.

Everyone here knows that new for all this stuff I paid well over 25K. Heck, I have one box of bearings for the matching Hi Win rails that cost 2 grand right there, bearings alone.

If anyone here knows someone that wants to get into CNC, build some machines and at the same time get a nice smaller all metal machine with an Avid control system come check it out. The foot print is like 75" x 75’ I think. It is all steel and weighs about 1100 lbs with the table top.

I have a new Acorn board in the batch of misc stuff.

Anyhow, here are two links.

The Crazy thing is someone came over and offered me 5K and then said well if you don’t take it I am going to use the 5K on a X Carve. He told me he was going to to be all in near 8500.00 for it with NO dust collector.

I literally laughed in his face. People don’t know what they are looking at, he is a newb I guess, That is a toy compared to this machine adn to the parts I am selling.

I know not many people are going to want all this stuff at once, I get that, but it’s a nice clean system that is far better than the pics show and me tossing in all the MISC stuff I thought might entice someone. All the misc stuff really is a hobbyist dream if they like tinkering. And again, I include backups of every consumable part.,from 3 extra R&P drives, to the racks, the 30mm bearings, even a brand new Avid VFD, Spindle combo prewired new in the box as a back up. I have back parts for everything, all included.

I ranted enough. I am in Northern IL ,Woodstock, if anyone wants to use the machine for project for something to test it out or of they just want to take a look I am glad to set that up any time.

I think it’s safe to say we’re sorry to see you go. Thanks for the update.