Hi everyone, hope you’re doing well. Sorry if this has been discussed previously, I looked around and didn’t see anything relevant.
I’ve had my machine for about a year, I’ve been having some issues with accuracy over the past few weeks, so I decided to go through and adjust, grease, tighten, replace all consumables, etc.
I’ve always found the instructions on properly tensioning the tension bolt on the R&P assembly to be a bit frustrating. Especially the phrase “continue tensioning… until the spring is seated but not compressed”. By “seated” do they just mean that the bolt has been tightened to the point where the spring is touching both washers (the one under the head of the bolt and the one on top of the tension bracket) but no further?
How important is this adjustment when it comes to overall accuracy? When I first built my machine I remember thinking that it would be nice to have a torque value and adjust the tension with a torque wrench. Am I way overthinking this? I followed all of the instructions to a tee, and up until recently I haven’t had any issues, I guess I just want some kind of tangible feedback that I set the tension correctly.
Thanks again, have a great day