Hi all first post. I have an Avid cnc Pro that someday hopefully gets assembled, but for now I thought I’d show my ongoing home gym project . I live in a rather old mundane house with a 7’ ceiling in the basement , so I have to improvise a little . Overhead presses ard fine sitting on a bench and better for your back anyways .
The bumper plate storage racks come in very handy . They were made with floor flanges to hold gas pipe covered in heat shrink .
No that’s a product called StoreWall . Seen it being used in this same application on a gym forum one time, and it looked as though it would work well in a home gym environment.
I just keep adding and upgrading as I go along , probably Asperger’s syndrom, autism , or ocd issues .
I’m old , 61 , but still like to lift . I had a neck injury unrelated to lifting and have been out for over a year ,but plan on using it again soon.
Was handy during Covid when all the gyms were shut down.
I’m really hoping to get my avid cnc built next spring , as I would like to make a plexi , diamond plate sign for my gym among other things