Avid Cnc Mod's that I've been doing!

Over several months I’ve been working on these mods for the cnc and wanted to share them with you guys. :grin:
This first one was a shelf under the table it really helps to clean up the shop and add more weight to the base made from 2 by 4’s…

I also wanted to clean up the wiring abit so I used a swingarm bag that holds the extra wire I had laying around from another hobby.

I put the wiring in the t track under the frame and just blue taped it in you can’t see the tape from above…

Also 3d printed the e stop an touch plate holders that are online…

Painted the wiring racks red…

Added more 80/20 to the frame for more stability.

Installed led stripes for lighting under the gantry this was a kit for truckbeds they were the perfect size for a 5 foot gantry…

And finally working on the vertical work holding still working out/on the details but have most of the parts and idea…

Have a great day!! :grin::+1:


Thanks for sharing all you great upgrades. Curious what truck bed LED kit you used.

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Nilight store at Amazon 3pcs 60 inch I haven’t figured out how to put the links in yet :thinking:

Looks great, man!

Where did you find the models for the 3D prints? I have been thinking about designing something, but why reinvent the wheel?!

Ah! Never mind. Found them on Thingiverse!

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Yes that’s them i used pla and went a little heavier on the fill :wink:

Thanks some great ideas. Where did you get the hinges for the vertical spoil board?


80/20.net these are the 90 degree dynamic pivot 40-4322 they pivot nice an smooth!! :grin:

is that holder for sale or just the file to print one your self? I would like to buy one

Howdy! In this case that file is just for download. However, there are quite a few 3D printing services online. I’ve honestly never used any of them, but I know people that have. It’s often not super cheap, but for something like this where you can’t buy it…it might be worth it to you.

Sometimes you can find stuff on Esty that is already made and ready to ship as well.

3D Printing Services

I updated the blue painting tape to hold the wires in the t slots with 3d printed t slot covers :rofl::rofl: 80/20 on thingiverse I used pla plus it seems to work but its a one time deal the sides brake when you take them out sometimes cheers! :blush:

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Lots of good stuff here. Are there stoppers on the bottom/inside edge of the end table to trim a default 90 degree? Do you have a mechanism to hold the end table at specific elevations? Thanks for sharing.

Some info on the end table pivots- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6nL7Lx9sVE

The short answer is I’m still working on it! :grin: I made a big newbee mistake with the dogholes and changed bits with out resizing the hole and there was a little to much play in them Lesson learned!!
There is a tiny bit of Negative movement for a 90° adjustment

I wonder how much play there is it at the pivot- play between the individual pivot and bearing, and between the collective. I’m imaging an end table operation where tool pressure pushes or cutting draws the stock.

So far with vary little use there’s no play these do not have bearings these have bushings the movement is very smooth :blush: its definitely better the a piano hinge

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