Bypass retract between paths?

I’m trying a technique where I’m effectively performing an undercut, expanding the contour in stages so if the tool retracts it will come through some of the material and ruin the cut. Does anyone know of way to bypass unnecessary retracts between commands, ie circular paths of the same depth in order to avoid destroying the piece in the process??

Can you set the retract height to a low enough value?

Welcome to the forum.

What software are you using? In Fusion, there are settings that sometimes work to keep the tool down, but it’s not entirely under your control, and you always have to check the result. There might be a way to work around it by customizing the leads, splitting the operation into multiple operations if needed.

If it’s something you generate once and cut many times, you could just manually edit the G-Code.


I’m using carbide create, the retract after every operation seems to be a feature that can’t be skipped. I’ve managed to get round it on other shapes by manipulating where the retract happens although don’t have outright control of this (another issue which I’m looking to overcome: controlling the start point of a toolpath). I think you might be on to something with the manual edit of g code - need to do some homework on that one…