While following the install directions for my Avid laser kit, it called for attaching the laser to the plate using 8, M2.5 X 7 screws. During this process the screws appeared to be tightening correctly. After getting all 8 in, I checked to make certain the laser was secure. It was not. All 8 screws had bottomed out in the laser prior to snugging on the plate.
The easiest way to spot it is by looking at the screws while you attempt to move the laser. All of them were shifting even though all of them were tightened. I tried repositioning the laser and retightening. I had already started with the upper right screw as the directions suggest.
I solved it by purchasing 8, M2.5 X 6 screws.
I’d be curious if anyone else had the issue or finds the issue after reading this. Knowing my old brain, it “could” be user error, but who knows for sure?