Opt Laser Mount

Morning all,
I am looking for information if there is a Opt Laser mount or bracket anyone has used besides the new one or a point in the right direction ???..A quick history, I got the Pro4896, Feb of 2021 right when Covid hit…I bought a PLH3D-XT-50 with air assist, a month later and then everything collapse…including customers…SOOOO, never set up the Opt laser and i’m now getting back in the swing of things, but cant purchase the new one as of yet…Thanks for the info in advance

I’d ask @jjneeb He’s running that laser and has those mounts.

There is no one manufacturing that part, but they are easy to make. Before I got the deployable laser mount, I just made an aluminum plate that slides in behind the spindle and uses the T slots that are on the Z base. I circled the two bolt locations in the picture below. You can even just use 1/2" plywood if you don’t have a means to cut aluminum (I just cut it on my wood cutting bandsaw). This can be installed/removed in a minute since those T slots are open on the bottom so you can just slide them out without complete unthreading the bolt from the nut.

This is a picture of one of my old mount versions from the 15W laser.

This is a backside view.

I did something similar to fit an avid mount to a cncdepot spindle - I added an extra aluminum plate between the two to space them out:

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I 3D printed mine. The one shown fits the Opt Magnetic mount to make it easy to swap in or remove the laser. The mount fits snugly around the spindle base adapter plate and bolts to a slot in the moving plate with standard Avid hardware. It takes a ‘right turn’ to align the laser beam in the right orientation for rastering as Jim Neeb shows in his YouTube channel. I added a bolt on that face to make sure the heftier 15W Opt laser is held down. I don’t think that would be necessary for the 6W laser.

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Correct, the XT-50 and XT-8 lasers have a pretty symmetric beam shape so orientation wrt the scan direction (for rastering pictures) is not important.

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I also 3d printed one. It seems to work fine for my needs, but I don’t run at high accelerations or anything. If you need it here is the mount that I made. One side holds the original magnetic mount. (Not the one that also has air flow) I have no idea if the hole pattern is compatible.

The other side of the mount is where I attach a magnetic pen holder for when I need to use my CNC as a glorified plotter.

LaserMount2.zip (17.4 KB)

Thats a real clean set up as well…Thanks for the pics as well