I never get tired seeing this much raw power with precision control up front and in person.
These are just a few of the favorite images I have captured while running the plasma cutter on my AVID-CNC. Down selecting from images taken while cutting many, … many hundreds of parts on this machine was quite the task.
This one comes from the ‘man-cave-sign’ build. [Plasma Cut & Powder coated Workshop Sign]
Given the amount of motion changing at high speed from instant to instant while the arc is struck combined with the high levels of UV and extremes in contrast, I find it amazing that a cell phone camera can capture these images as well as it does.
The photos selected are not the biggest spark blooms, but rather the photos that I particularly like. I might have to take the orginal / full sized image for a few of these photos and turn them into some larger format wall art for the studio. Hmmm, … Possibly a poster sized collage using a handful of images for the studio wall? - Lots of options there.