I tried a simple square profile test case with sharp corners (code below) but the Mach4 toolpath ended up with rounded corners (attached image). Any thoughts on what might be the cause?
If you really messed up your Constant Velocity mode settings you could do that, but you would have to be way off from what the standard AVID configuration would have given you for settings. Did you play with any CV or motor acceleration settings in the mach4 configuration lately?
While the actual result will have rounded corners (the radius of the tool), those rounded outside corners shouldn’t show on the Mach4 toolpath preview. I pasted this code into Mach4 and they don’t show on mine even if I create a tool table with diameters.
The rounded corners are not in the G-code. Is your attached image a screenshot of Mach 4? Maybe refresh the view. Sometimes previous traces can stay displayed. Did you try a cut or an air cut, and did it have rounded corners?
Thanks for all of the insights. As it turns out, it was complete operator error. I recently switched to a new post processor and missed the fact that G64 was set in the invocation. Mach was set to G61, but was overridden by the GCode file. Since G64 is modal, my subsequent testing of a previous GCode file that did not set G61 or G64 (used the controller setting) also used CV mode (unexpectedly).
I removed the G64 in the post processor invocation and all is well. A good learning experience.