Manually turn on laser in cnc12

is there a way to manually turn on laser in cnc12? It did not come on when I went to MDI and typed m37 s10, display said waiting for dwell time.

There’s no “button” to do that… what’s the use case here? If it’s XY alignment it does that in the setup flow for that…

use case is sometimes I do non standard things, so I wanted to be able to turn it on and raise the Z to increase line thickness. I don’t know much about gcode and I should by now but why didn’t m37 turn it on? after some more googling maybe I need M37 M3 S10 to turn it on with a power of 10.

Are you talking about changing the focal height on cuts?

For example running a g code file where the focal point has the laser higher or lower than normal?

You could do that by tweaking the tool length in the tool table. That would effectively do the same thing.

thats right to get a wide beam.