Raise height of tool height setter (EX)

I have a thick spoil board due to a vacuum table. I’d like to raise the height of the Tool Height Setter at least a 1/2" (12mm) to avoid hitting the dust shroud when measuring short bits.

Any examples of doing this, or recommendations?

Contact support. There is a riser you can get for this.

Awesome. Thank you Eric.

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I did that I just used the bottom bolt only

Bingo! That’s a simple solution. Well done

I do love a simple solution like that, however I’d recommend getting the riser. You’ll get more fasteners holding it on. Remember the tool height setter is critical to keeping your tool heights spot on. Don’t skimp on this! :slight_smile:

Indeed. I am just going to do this quick fix until the riser arrives.

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is this riser on the store?

Well send me one Eric! lol or just call me skimpy… Or better yet send me a picture of it and I’ll make one or 3d print one or two.