Hey Eric On my recent EX install I’m getting a TTP trigger erron when jogging, Haven’t seen that with my other machine.
Thanks E !
No problem!
I had the same problem so I turned off Probe Protection on the Tool Setter. That fixed the fast jog problem on the VCP but now I can’t jog from the pendant. Other buttons work on the pendant but none of the jog buttons work. I can jog fine from the keyboard and the VCP buttons.
Are the other pendant buttons responding?
Yes, and when I select X or Y I get the Fast light on the VCP but can get no jog motion.
Try unplugging the USB antenna, closing CNC12, plugging the antenna back in and then reopening CNC12
Now I am able to jog at 1X speed on all axes but no jogs for 10X or 100X.
Are you running our control box and software or do you have something custom going on in your setup?
No, I have a standard Acorn Clearpath motor drive config with Hard Stop Homing only running on the downloaded EX Controller router profile. This is how I configured the Wizard screen for the tool setter. Actually that is the way it was configured in the profile except for when I disabled the protection.
Here is how I configured the inputs.
If I invert input 5 as shown in the PLC Diagnostics screen for the tool setter everything works fine but when I leave it normal I get all these jogging and pendant issues. Should I just continue to run it inverted?
So are you running our profile on a control box that was not built by us? Fine if you are but I am just trying to figure out what I am working with here…
I don’t have your control box.
Do you have a fixed tool height setter from us? Ours is normally closed. So if you are running our software and you either don’t have one plugged in, or you don’t have a normally closed one that would cause problems. On that setup screen you would need to change its triggered state to match whatever you have
My tool setter is mechanical and normally closed just like Avid’s. Let me give you a full explanation of my configuration in a separate PM since it will be lengthy. I will get it to you probably tomorrow.
I don’t know if this is the crux of your issue, but these are in the Release Notes for CNC12 5.24 RC5
Fixed bug where M115/116 P0 would not register a NO (normally open) probe without a detect tripping
Fixed bug with M115/116 P0 where a NC probe without a detect in combination with any other device would result in all device inputs being ignored if probe protection via tool number was not active
This is related, but different. Those commands are for use in scripts, so that bug would only apply when those specific commands are being called.