Wall Clock with a Scarab Design

Here is a wall clock that we made for the shop a couple of years ago. The basic 3D shape was done in Rhino3D and 3D carved with the CNC. Then the scarab, numbers, and ring were vcarved. In keeping with the Egyptian scarab design, the numbers are from the ancient Egyptian Coptic script. The clock is about 14" in diameter and made from cherry.

Very nice. The vcarve looks great on the Cherry. Its nice with Vectric being able to Vcarve or laser on top of a 3D model.

The CNC really lets you go wild with clock designs. I did this one out of 2" thick maple, 27" diameter a few years ago.

Oh that’s cool! And yes, being able to vcarve on a 3D model is very useful.

We did another similar clock on African Mahogany that also looks really good.