Best CAD Programs for Beginners

Hello everyone

I am excited to take in knowledge from expertise,. Recently; I explored CNC machining. Could someone suggest a CAD program for beginners,?
I want something that is easy to use, and strong enough to handle complex work.

Thanks in advance

Duplicate thread: Other software besides Aspire for 3D projects?

Not sure it’s a duplicate thread because the other one is around 3D carving.
For a general CAD program, I would definitely suggest to learn Fusion 360. It has a learning curve but there is a ton of very well done tutorial online. It’s also free for a personal (limited) usage so it’s a good software to start.
I would not recommend it for 3D carving but for everything else it’s my go to software.

Other thread was asking about both. Rhino for modeling/fusion for cam is the my favorite combo. Fusion is too limiting for creative geometry IMO compared to rhino.

Yes, I definitely agree with that :+1:

Thankyou all for sparing a time first of all as I found these insights very useful.

Also, I have got a suggestion that I should choose a rhino and matrix combo for best knowledge.

Is it even worth it to go for matrix too?

Easier and faster than anything else I could find
I use this as my main program for 2d and 3d work …to cnc or 3d printer or to Blender for rendering.
Best $300 I spend.
Then I bought this course Moi3D BASICS TUTORIAL (

I tried many…fusion, Rhino, freecad, Alibre etc …I even draw my 2d in MOI3D and then send to vcarve for the toolpaths.

The creator of Moi 3d was the creator of Rhino.