CNC Depot ATC tool rack location

Prepping an order for a Avid Pro large format router. This router is for prototyping, not production (mostly bucks for vacuum forming). It will be mounted on a extremely heavy duty tube steel table frame and anchor bolted to a concrete floor. It will utilize a CNC Depot ATC spindle.

With a desire to have the ACT rack well outside the work area, I’m considering adding an (appropriate length) extended gantry which would be biased toward the backside of the table. The ATC rack would then be supported off the steel table rack (outside the table tray, etc.) or even more likely directly mounted to the concrete wall adjacent to the back of the machine.

The spindle would then be extended off the table to the back via the longer gantry to pick up tools.

Any troubles foreseen?


Just consider the direction you point the rack, assuming you want to have a dust boot.

I talk about those considerations here:


Hi Corbin.

Thanks for the reply. I watched (and appreciated) your AVID video series.


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