CNC DEPOT RETROFIT guide for EX controls UPDATED 11/5/24


This guide is intended for customers with CNC Depot ATC spindles who are upgrading to an Avid EX controller from a previous version of controls.


CNC Depot spindle systems utilized specific wiring within Avid’s previous generation of controllers that has changed slightly within newer Centroid-based EX models. To accommodate this, minor changes to Avid’s EX controller are required to set up drawbar functionality within CNC12 (The EX Controller’s Centroid-based software environment).

The easiest way to make these changes is by ordering kit “EX-CNCD-02” from Avid CNC - from our contact page you can request this kit and we’ll send you a quote and a payable invoice.

Changes to CNC Depot VFD Controller

A previous version of this guide provided instructions to modify CNC Depot VFD controllers to remove the need for a separate relay for spindle case pressure, thereby preserving all of the functionality of the EX controller except for the plasma torch output.

However, there are several different versions of CNC Depot spindles, some of which are not compatible with this modification.In that light, this guide has been updated to repurpose two relays in the Avid EX controller, one for drawbar functionality and a separate relay for case pressure. Modifying the EX controller in this way means that no physical updates should be required to the CNC Depot VFD controller.

There are recommended parameter programming changes to the VFD controller. Newer Centroid-based EX control systems have been configured to interpret the spindle fault signal differently than previous CRP800 control systems. The spindle fault signal on your VFD controller needs to be configured as a “normally closed” signal under non-fault conditions to work with Centroid-based systems.

This configuration has the benefit of stopping machine operation if the VFD controller is not turned on or operational for any reason. This helps prevent the unintentional engagement of a non-spinning tool with your workpiece, which could cause tool breakage and strain on machine components.

Steps for reprogramming Delta based VFD systems (EL, MS300 or rebranded Delta VFDs sold by Automation Direct) can be found here:

Note: For technical support with parameter changes or other specific aspects of your VFD controller, please contact CNC DEPOT.

Changes to Avid EX Controller

The changes to the Avid EX Controller repurpose a relay normally used for firing a plasma torch (Relay 6) for use as a drawbar signal, and the secondary general purpose relay (Relay 4) for case pressure. See wiring pictures and instructions below. Note, pictures are shown on a controller subassembly for clarity. Your setup will vary based on options and will include additional wiring and components, but the pictures below show where these terminals are located in both stepper-based systems and servo systems (inside the red box):

Stepper System

Servo System

Start by removing the brown wires normally used for plasma torch from both the relay board and the CRP5210-01E interconnect board:

Next, remove the black wires from relay 4 (general purpose relay Output 2):

Next, plug in the provided connector with 5V jumper wire to the indicated positions on the CRP5210-01E interconnect board, and connect the ferruled points to the common terminals on relay 4 and relay 6:

Next, we will need to move the orange and black wire and green and black wires from the plasma torch output terminal to the Normally Open terminals on Relay 6 and Relay 4 respectively. This wire first needs to be disconnected from the 4-pin pluggable terminal near the main gland plate of the controller:

Once this is completed, you will need to re-plug the 4-pin connector with the solid green and orange wire back into it’s original position.

Lastly, we need to connect the black and white wire from the 14-pin panel mount connector to GND (5V common). This wire will be in a small zip-tied bundle of unused wires from the 14-pin connector. You may need to cut the zip tie holding this bundle to easily access the wire.

GND is most easily accessed through open terminals on the CRP5210-01E interconnect board. However, the terminal to use depends on whether you have a stepper or servo EX system. In either case, you will be wiring the black and white wire into the provided 2-pin pluggable connector.

For Stepper EX Systems, you will start by connecting the black and white wire to the right side of the pluggable connector, as shown:

This will then plug in to the connector on the far side of the CRP5210-01E interconnect board:

For Servo EX Systems, you will start by connecting the black and white wire to the left side of the pluggable connector, as shown:

This will then plug into the indicated plug on the CRP5210-01E interconnect board:

Software Setup and Tweaks

For the software installation you will be required to manually update your profile with some custom scripts. The steps are described in this video. It is highly recommended that you “export” your profile before proceeding. This export will serve as a backup should you need to revert “back to stock” for any reason.

Here’s a video on how to setup your software:

Here’s the the download link for the software: CNC Depot EX Tool Change - Google Drive

**Drive Fault Errors Note!

Our new EX controllers have a feature that will prevent you from using the machine unless you have your VFD turned on. This can prevent you from starting a job and accidentally forgetting to power up your spindle. This requires your VFD to be programmed a certain way. VFDs that come directly from Avid are pre-programmed. CNC Depot VFDs are not. You will need to bypass this warning or you will not be able to home or use your machine.

On a stepper system you can go into the Wizard and disable the “spindle fault” warning:

On servo systems we tie all of the drive faults AND the VFD fault into one input. To bypass the fault you will need to alter the dip switch on the servo board. The servo board is located inside the EX control box directly behind where the 8 pin servo control cables connect to. On that board you’ll see a set of dip switches. To bypass VFD faults switch move the VFD switch to the ON position:

Case Pressure

Since we are now hijacking one of our general purpose relays for case pressure you can activate case pressure from the main screen of Centroid by flipping on Relay 2:

If you want to automate case pressure coming on with a job you can do that in the wizard:

If you set relay 2 to “start and top with job” case pressure will come on at the start of a G Code file, and stop when the file is done.


On my controller, I only have two orange wires and not a orange/black wire. Which of these is it?

Here is a photo mine.

The wires that are being referred to in that step are coming in from the 14 pin connector that goes from your controller to your VFD.

On the controller side you should see those wires bundled off to the side. They are currently unused.

Awesome! Thanks for the update. Would avid cnc happen to have an screenshots of the new relay after it is installed? I may be going a little overboard before I get the parts, but I am just trying to understand the process. Thanks

Are you talking about the relay board in your control box?

What we have is what’s in that first post, however check the post carefully, some of those images got posted as links that you have to click on. (I’ll be fixing those soon)

Yes, I am referring to the relay in the spindle control box. I am only seeing the single before picture that still has the old relay installed. I was curious how it looks after the new relay is installed and the jumper bars are in place.

Eric, are there boards without dip switches? This is what mine looks like

Yes some of the earlier boards had jumpers instead of dip switches. They are labeled so you just bypass whatever you need with the jumpers.

Hi Eric,
I’m trying to setup my BTP for ATC. I have 6 tool forks, CNC Depot spindle and controls. Drawbar works as it should with the drawbar button. I programed in the fork locations into the mfunc6cncdepot file, set Z height and slide. I updated the mfunc6 file line 21 = 1 for CNC Depot with forks. I restarted the program, homed and as far as I can tell, its setup. When I hit mtc button, nothing happens. At first attempt after I got it setup, I got a message that the TT wasn’t setup. I set that in the Wizard. That message has gone away. Now when I hit the MTC button, nothing happens. I must be missing a setting?

Eric could you show me which jumper, I don’t see one labeled vfd.

Double check that your Mfunc6 script didn’t get written over by messing with the TT settings in the wizard. You shouldn’t need to touch those.

If the MTC button wasn’t responding at all did you try closing and reopening CNC12?

The VFD one should be labeled spindle.

Hi Eric,
I replaced the mfunc6 file with a fresh copy, changed line 21 to 1, started CNC12, homed the machine, pressed MTC button and got “Fixed touch plate not setup. Please set it up in the UTILS menu”. If I set it up in the wizard, the mfunc6 file will be over written?

Update #1. I ran through the UTILS, setup the TT and work surface. Attached error is when happens when I press MTC, input tool 1 and .25 for size.

Update #2. Ok i got it, error on my part. Slide needed a negative. Ok it’s moving now. And thats where we have a new issue. The moves are out of sync. I recorded a video of how tool 1 is picked up from the MTC button.!AvQZ98HI37jP2gAw54y8P1PJ2WoN

I removed 2" off the Y cords for fork location, changed the -2 slid to 2. Makes sense now but the actions are wrong.!AvQZ98HI37jP2gIXNcuCacgPnhUV

So that Mfunc6CNCDepot script (the one that handles the slides and the actual tool changes) wasn’t created by us (Avid) that is a CNC depot script. Setup and use questions should go to them.

The reason there are two scripts is that our MFunc6 script just hands off to the CNC Depot one when it’s time for a tool change.

@Eric, I would like to point out each time I have contacted cnc depot since the ex upgrade, they have been telling me to contact avid cnc. I was informed that avid cnc would be maintaining this information. Please let me know if this is not correct.

after the retrofit, how many relays should be in the VFD box?

You should end up having a setup like that

ok thanks, so no wire coming out A1 or A2 going to the 14 pin cable?

It’s the vertical one:


That’s the one that will bypass the spindle fault. If you have a spindle fault on our control you will not be able to home or use the machine.

Not sure what you’re asking here?

First picture is from your instructions, blue circle I added.

second picture is my vfd box and in the blue circle is the orange/black and the white/black wires that are from the 14 pin cable. the same wire we pickup in the ex box and add to relay 6 and your avid board. It seems that some cncdepot boxes only used two relays, now he has 3 in his vfd boxes. I used the Avid supplied Delta El vfd and added the relays and air solenoids to function the ATC. Now Alex told me that the Delta may not have the needed setting as the GS20 VFD he uses, he was working on a custom fix, but I haven’t heard back he said he was going to get with you on this. As a last ditch effort I received today an Automation Direct GS20 that I purchased so I can bring my vfd box up to something that your current instructions would work on. Now I just need pin out diagram to install it. Unless you guys have a solution that will work with the delta. I hope this is clear.