Opt Lasers PLH3D-XT8

Ya, those are correct, and since your test fire is working, we know the wiring, and the ESS/Mach4 configuration are good as well.

The only thing I have seen that would cause Gcode to not work, but still have test fire work is the analog pin setup to not work. That’s why I sent you the other post processor last night. That uses the M62/63 command and doesn’t use the analog capability, so if that post processor works, and the first one (that uses M67) doesn’t, then we know what to focus on.


So I have not been out to the shop for awhile, And went out today to run the laser and the test fire still works but when running a gcode with 62 PP it goes to the first gcode line and stops?

What does it say down in the History window after it stops?

thats odd. When you say the test fire works, you mean from the Mach4 screen, not from the Opt adapter box, right?