Smelled something burning and suddenly and both Y prox’s triggered on. Luckily I spotted the burned tiny IC on the Prox input board. Need to order a new board ASAP… in the middle of a big job. Anyone had this fail, or know the part number?
You are talking about the little board that has all the M12 connectors for the sensors? That is the CRP860 board.
You must have an older system. One of those voltage translator chips did the same thing on my touchplate input. I got a new one and it doesn’t have those ICs on it, so they must have designed them out of the new version.
Wow. Thanks for the quick answer. Yep, that is the board. I think the controller is about 6 years old. So the replacement won’t have those IC’s?
Yep, same IC that burnt on mine, only mine was a lot more subtle so I needed magnification to see it. If I remember right it was an analog switch or a level shifter. I think they were trying to make it have more voltage range, or to protect the ESS, but it probably turned out to be an unreliable part and not necessary. The replacement board I got didn’t have these on it.
Get in touch with support (link at the top of this page) and they can get you a replacement quickly.
Great forum. The AVID CNC has been reliable for making camper van cabinetry. This is the first issue in four years. Estimating 200hrs/yr that’s only 800hr MTBF. Luckily this IC burnt up right after finishing a sheet (the double laminated ply is about $300 a sheet). Thanks for the help.
That’s so great to hear! I’m sure we’d all love to see some pictures of the campers if you have any…
That distinctive electronics burning “o crap, where is that coming from” feeling. You are lucky that yours was visible enough right away. Mine wasn’t, and I replaced the ESS first, then finally found the problem on the 860 board.
Yes! intense smell of something burning, but couldn’t find it. Almost called my shop neighbors, and then I realized it was me. Here a couple pics of the van cabinetry. European style, different from the US industry standard cabinetry.
That looks great! As a former kitchen designer us 'Muricans need to learn to adopt european cabinet design!